There are numerous Frum Jewish GLBT discussion lists now available on the Internet. Following is information about some of them:
Orthodykes: For frum lesbian women. Write the following in the subject line of an e-mail: subscribe orthodykes myemail@address and send it to:
Orthodykes Digest: Same as above, but you get everything from the day in one e-mail. Write the following in the subject line of an e-mail: subscribe orthodykes-digest myemail@address and send it to:
For more information about this list, write to Kara Silver, the list owner at:
Orthogays: For orthodox gay men only. Write the following in the subject line of an e-mail: subscribe orthogays myemail@address and send it to:
Orthogays Digest: Same as above, but you get everything from the day in one e-mail. Write the following in the subject line of an e-mail: subscribe orthogays-digest myemail@address and send it to:
For more information about OrthoGays, write to the list owner at:
FrumGays, for all GLBT Jews who are, were or are considering becoming frum. Write the following in the subject line of an e-mail: sub frumgays myemail@address and send it to
FrumGays Digest: Same as above except you get everything from the day in one e-mail. Write the following in the subject line of an e-mail: sub frumgays-digest myemail@address and send it to
For more information about FrumGays, write to the list owner at:
The Sicha List: Sicha is dedicated to fostering dialogue between heterosexual and homosexual Orthodox Jews. Write the following in the subject line of an e-mail: sub sicha myemail@address and send it to
For more information about The Sicha List, write to the list owner at:
In all cases, you should obviously replace "myemail@address" with your own e-mail address.
Please note that all these lists are PRIVATE. This means you will not automatically be subscribed to the list. You will first be sent an e-mail by the owner asking for more information about you and why you want to join. This is to help protect your privacy.
If you are interested only in keeping up with events and happenings in the frum gay world and here at GayJews.Org, consider the GayJews.Org Mailing List .